Should I Upgrade My Knob And Tube Wiring In Winnipeg?
Older homes often have knob and tube wiring, and you can confirm this aspect by taking a look in the basement. If you see wires running through porcelain cylinders or tubes that are inserted in holes on the wooden floor joists, you have knob and tube wiring, and you should also be able to see porcelain knobs, which help keep the wires secure. This prevents the wires from touching the wood along which the wires run, and in most cases, the wires are generally insulated with a rubberized cloth fabric.
Knob and tube wiring cannot accommodate any electrical items with three-pronged plugs because there is no ground wire, and this is one of the main differences between modern wiring and older knob and tube wiring. This means there is a greater risk of shocks and fire. Additionally, the black and white wires run separately, whereas, in modern wiring, the black, white, and ground wire are all enclosed in a single cable. The wire insulation is another difference as modern wiring is insulated with plastic, whereas knob and tube wiring uses rubber.
It can sometimes be hard to get home insurance if a house has knob and tube wiring because it can be viewed as problematic even though it is not inherently dangerous. Problems occur whenever the insulation around the wires begins to deteriorate with age, and it is a must that you maintain open airspace around the wire at all times to prevent overheating. While knob and tube wiring does not have to be removed from any homes, it is considered obsolete and no longer used in newer construction projects.
It’s important to understand the problems you can run into with this type of wiring, and insulation over the wiring is one issue you need to avoid. Household insulation should never be installed over knob and tube wiring because a fire will break out. This wire needs room to dissipate the heat that builds up when an electrical current is flowing through, so covering it with insulation would take away the necessary space, resulting in a very dangerous situation. Excess use can also be problematic, as this type of wiring was installed during a time when very few electrical appliances were present in a house. These days, the average home has multiple TVs, computers, washers and dryers, sound systems, and other appliances, so your knob and tube wiring system can easily overheat.
Alterations, damage, and brittle insulation can also cause short circuits or overheating, so if you are worried about any of these problems, it’s best to contact a professional, and Expert Electric would be more than happy to help! Our team will complete an inspection to determine whether or not you need to replace your home’s wiring, and we will always provide you with an honest opinion. Safety will be prioritized at all times, and we will provide you with our professional recommendations. If you’d like to work with a reputable company you can trust, contact us today!